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Research and Planning:

Group Blog- Group 4

Final Treatment
Production Company and Distributer
Sound for the Trailer
Audience Research

Evaluation Questions:

    1. in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? trailer/film/poster/magazine cover.
    2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? Trailer/Film Poster/Magazine cover.
    3. what have you learned from your audience feedback? Trailer/Film Poster/Magazine cover.
    4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Trailer/Film Poster/Magazine cover. How did your media skills develop.
    5. Directors Commentary of my Final Production, Magazine Front Cover and Film Poster.

Ancillary Texts:

Teaser Poster
Official Film Poster
Magazine Front Cover
First Draft:
Directors Cut:
Final Production:

Magazine Front Cover


Here is my Magazine front cover for my film ‘The Psychiatrist’. I have made sure it was from a professional film magazine company so I used the same house style as Empire magazine. I have used the same barcode and also have promoted the latest films that are out at the moment, this is something that empire does. I have also used the same font type to show my target audience that it is the same film that is being advertised. I used the same location within the magazine front cover that is within my film trailer. This makes my magazine front cover link to the  other parts of my promotional package very well and it also relates to the style of a professional magazine film industry.

Official Film Poster

Main Poster finished

Here is my official film poster. This is like any other professional film poster as it contains credits with the same house style and also contains snippets from the film along with the main characters. There is a very close link to my teaser poster as it is an adaption to the same idea of the merging faces. However this time I have taken it a step further as there are multiple faces side by side which shows that these characters are very closely linked together in some way or another.

Teaser Poster

Teaser Poster finished

Here is my teaser poster, which was intended to draw my demographics in, by informing them about the release of our new film ‘The Psychiatrist’. It contains the release date, shows the main characters, the title of the film and also the tag line. The tag line also matches the image as two faces are molded into one person.

Directors Commentary


Click on the screen shot of my playlist, which will take you to my Soundcloud and you will be able to hear my directors commentary for my film trailer. Watch the trailer first before clicking on the screenshot and then you will see what I’m talking about within my Soundcloud. By listening to my directors commentary you will hear how I implemented an array of editing techniques and codes and conventions within my trailer to make it a professional media product. You will also hear how I used my target audiences feedback in order to incorporate some changes from my first draft into my final piece. You will hear how everything within my trailer is constructed in a meaningful way to help convey particular messages that I want to form, to  engage the audience into watching my trailer. I have also spoken about how my film poster, magazine front cover and trailer all interlink and how I have portrayed themes and codes and conventions of the thriller genre from my trailer into my film poster and magazine front cover in order to create a very successful and professional promotional film package.

The Psychiatrist-Final

Click on the video to view our trailer.

Here is my final media product. Here I have edited my directors cut and also have made corrections from the feedback given from both my 1st draft and directors cut to  create my final media product. Now my final media product is more effective as it is almost one minute shorter, which therefore leaves more suspense for the audience and allows my product to use the enigma code and action code more effectively. My final media product is of a different level compared to my 1st draft as I have tightened up the editing to make it run more smoothly and used voice overs to allow the audio of our characters, really stand out more and have more of an impact on my target audience.


The Psychiatrist- Directors Cut

Click on the video to view.

Here is our directors cut. I wanted to show this to my audience as this was my inspiration. I thought this was a very creative piece of work and my target audience thought the same, however they said it was too long to be a trailer and it lost its impact on the audience towards the end, as a trailer should leave the audience wanting to watch more. So this is why I had to make a final edit to my trailer and cut it early to create an appropriate time for my trailer.


Evaluation 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Trailer/Film Poster/Magazine cover. How did your media skills develop.

Evaluation 4Listen to my Soundcloud post by clicking on the picture of my Soundcloud profile, by doing this a link will take you to my profile and you will be able to listen to my evaluation of how I used different media technologies to create my promotional package. You will hear me talk about how I used an array of technologies in order to create my final media package and how using them allowed me to enhance my final media product into a more professional finished product. Through this audio piece I also touch on how I learned new skills and applied them to my finished product after developing them through the research and planning and also production phases of creating my promotional package.


Click on my film poster to see how I used Photoshop to create my film poster.

Main Poster finished

Evaluation 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback? Trailer/Film Poster/Magazine cover.

Evaluation 3

View my Prezi to see what my target audience thought of my promotional package. You will see 3 people that are within my target audience give their opinion on my promotional package, discussing what things I could incorporate into my promotional package that can make it more successful but also they said whether they liked my promotional package and things that they didn’t really like. From this feedback it allowed me to do little tweaks to my promotional package to make it more professional based on their feedback, for example within my trailer I put in voice overs to allow the audio of the dialogue to stand out and so that the audience could hear it more clearly. Therefore it will make my trailer more clear to understand.

Mind Map

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View the slideshow of my mind map to witness my genre analysis. I used this research and planning task to help inspire me, when choosing the genre I want to produce for my media product this year. I looked at all these various films and researched their promotional packages to look at how they use codes and conventions of that genre within their promotional packages.