Directors Commentary


Click on the screen shot of my playlist, which will take you to my Soundcloud and you will be able to hear my directors commentary for my film trailer. Watch the trailer first before clicking on the screenshot and then you will see what I’m talking about within my Soundcloud. By listening to my directors commentary you will hear how I implemented an array of editing techniques and codes and conventions within my trailer to make it a professional media product. You will also hear how I used my target audiences feedback in order to incorporate some changes from my first draft into my final piece. You will hear how everything within my trailer is constructed in a meaningful way to help convey particular messages that I want to form, to  engage the audience into watching my trailer. I have also spoken about how my film poster, magazine front cover and trailer all interlink and how I have portrayed themes and codes and conventions of the thriller genre from my trailer into my film poster and magazine front cover in order to create a very successful and professional promotional film package.

Posted on May 3, 2016, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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